Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Updated: After Installed Mountain Lion

  1. Changed trackpad settings to "NORMAL"
    1. Enabled tap and click
    2. Fixed scrolling direction
    3. Enabled click and drag
      1. System Preference -> Accessibility -> Mouse & Trackpad -> Trackpad Options
  2. Enabled key repeat 
    1. Issue "defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false"
  3. Made user's library directory visible from finder
    1. Issue "chflags nohidden /Users/USERNAME/Library"
  4. Installed
    1. MacVim
      1. Installed "ocean deep" color scheme
      2. Syntax highlight for arduino
      3. Made .vimrc 
    2. TextWrangler
    3. Xcode
      1. Added "command line tools" component
        1. Preferences -> Downloads -> Components
    4. VMware Fusion
      1. Installed Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop 64bit
        1. Updated installed packages
          1. $ sudo apt-get update
          2. $ sudo apt-get upgrade
        2. Installed C compiler
          1. $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
        3. Installed Oracle JAVA 7
          1. $ sudp add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
          2. $ sudo apt-get update
          3. $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
          4. $ java -version
            Ref: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html
        4. Installed Netbeans
          1. Download package, and the run install script
        5. Installed Arduino programming environment
          1. $ sudo apt-get install arduino-core arduino 
      2. Installed Windows 7
        1. Windows Update - Required packages
        2. Windows Update - Recommended packages
          *CAUTION* VMware Fusion got freeze while patching
    5. Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.0
      1. Patched manually! There was no automatic update option on 9.0...
        After all the patches were done (Ver. 9.5.2) the Acrobat got "Check for update" option in "Help" menu.
    6. The unarchiver
    7. MplayerX
    8. Caffeine
    9. Reeder
    10. Microsoft Office
    11. iWorks
    12. ScanSnap Manager

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