Change log:
1) Added tab settings for html
2) Enabled filetype plugins
3) Enabled matchit
1 "
2 " This file (.vimrc) is modified on 2012/3/19
3 "
5 " General
6 set number " to display lines
7 set title " display filename on the title bar
8 set ignorecase " search not casesensitively
9 set showmatch " hilight a pair of parenthesis and braces
10 set matchtime=2 " limit the showmatch's hilight time, ms
11 set wildmenu " compliment vim's commandline instructions
12 set tabstop=4
13 set shiftwidth=4
14 set softtabstop=4
15 set autoindent " Enable autoindent
16 set ruler " Ruler on
17 set incsearch
18 set hlsearch
19 set backup
20 set backupdir=~/.tmp_vim
21 set dir=~/.tmp_vim
23 " Plugins
24 filetype on " Enable filetype detection
25 filetype indent on " Enable filetype-specific indenting
26 filetype plugin on " Enable filetype-specific plugins
27 runtime macros/matchit.vim
29 " Ruby
30 autocmd FileType ruby,eruby compiler ruby
31 autocmd FileType ruby,eruby set tabstop=2
32 autocmd FileType ruby,eruby set shiftwidth=2
33 autocmd FileType ruby,eruby set softtabstop=2
34 autocmd FileType ruby,eruby set expandtab
36 " HTML
37 autocmd FileType html set tabstop=2
38 autocmd FileType html set shiftwidth=2
39 autocmd FileType html set softtabstop=2
42 " For GUI
43 if has("gui_running")
44 colorscheme oceandeep
45 set clipboard+=unnamed " Yanks to clipboard
46 endif